Day 10 of HSE in 5 months, and MCs teaching freedmen (and slaves) in the Holocene Era

One of the main characters in my WorkInProgress, whose name may change, is a free man of color, who becomes best friends with my protagonist, an escaped slave. They work up in Baltimore City, between the years of 1836 and 1838, as day laborers. Black men were kept to the unskilled trades by day, in Baltimore, but by night, this MC is teaching both our Protagonist and other escaped slaves, in secret, how to read, write, and “cipher,” as they called arithmetic back then. He does all of this through his church, technically legally, at least for the Free People of Color. Despite the fact that Free Blacks and Mulattoes pay MD taxes for public schools, Colored children are not permitted to attend them.

So, perhaps our Protagonist and his friend learn on a plan similar to this one, nightly (well, ok, they did not have the benefit of Khan Academy, or the Public Library, but we do…):

Day 10 Lesson Plan, Thursday, 14 February, 2019 Grammar activity (fewer vs. less): Khan Academy activity: Order of Operations powers of 10 Day 10 ExitSlips

Originally published at on September 9, 2020.



Shira Destinie Project Do Better Jones

Shira Destinie Jones, a published academic author and an aspiring Historical Fantasy novelist, is an educator working to help build peace through words for all.